AWOA Last Day of Ancient Egypt!

Princess cooking!
Cleopatra Kisses
 So the time has come that we are finishing up our "month" long study of Ancient Egypt, that actually lasted about 45 days, but hey we had a blast! Today we did the final product, which was to make a Passover Meal from scratch. The first thing Princess made were some Cleopatra Kisses. These were so yummy, it was sickening. We ended up making a double batch to munch on later :) We didnt get the "look" just right, but hey who cares. With time these things improve.

The Before Product

Slicing vegetables

After: Crispy Potato Krugel

This stuff was the bomb! So good, but greasy

Nice, sweet snack that we all loved munchin on while watching movies
Egypt was fabulous to study and we cannot wait to dive into Greece, but first we are taking a October sabbatical to cover scary stories!!!
