Mr. R.'s science poems

science poems:

butterfly: (life cycle- metamorphosis)

banana slug: (I'm no bug)
bat: (the only mammal that flies)
bird: (a flying vertebrate)
blue whale: (the largest animal on Earth....ever)
camels: (there's no water in their hump!)
caterpillar: (and a giant butterfly)
cheetah: (fastest land animal)
earthworm: (where would we be without him?)
elephant: (largest land animal)
fish: (gills to breathe)
giraffe: (tallest animal on Earth!)
hummingbird: (the smallest of all birds)
kangaroo: (marsupial)
lion: (an acrostic poem)
mosquito: parasite: (the deadliest living thing)
octopus: (a tale of three broken hearts)
octopus 2: (don't ask one for directions)
shark: (the largest fish in the sea!)
spider: (isn't an insect!)
tadpoles: (metamorphosis of a frog)
tiger: (largest of all cats)
platypus: (an egg-laying mammal)
science poems:
plants & trees
buds: (a long winter's sleep)
cactus: (a plant you shouldn't kiss)
deciduous: (why are those trees bald?)
epiphyte: (never touched that dirty ground!)
leaf: (helps plants survive)
photosynthesis: (plants make their own food!)
redwoods: (tallest trees on Earth)
roots: (part of a plant)
seeds: (they can travel)
trees: (let's protect them!)
science poems:
human body
bones: (the bone thief)
brain: (I'm nervous about my nervous system)
circulatory system: (heart, veins, and arteries are a part of me!)
digestive system: (digestion prevents congestion!)
heart: (the organ that never takes a rest)
ligament: (holds bones to bones- better than glue!)
muscles: (you need them to move)
tendon: (connects our muscles to our bones!)
respiratory system: (trachea, lungs, alveoli)
teeth: (hardest part of our body)
vein: (I know I'm the best)

5 senses
five senses
five senses: (for five body parts)
ear: (my sense of hearing)
eye: (my sense of sight)
skin: (my sense of touch)
nose: (my sense of smell)
tongue: (my sense of taste)
science poems:
general biology
mammals: (they're not fish, frogs, or birds)
adaptation: (why I make change)
autotroph: (don't buy bread in a loaf!)
basic needs: (of living things)
chicken egg: (a chubby chicken laid no eggs!)
extinction: (let's protect endangered species)
food chain (what eats what and who eats who?)
fungus: (on my pizza)
hibernation: (a kid who slept too much)
carnivore: (but Clyde never ate meat!)
herbivore: (eating plants what they adore!)
omnivore: (so easy to please)
migration: (moving to new ground)
diurnal: (I'll stay up all night!)
nocturnal: (the sun goes down, I come out)
parasite: (the day I bit a mosquito)
predator: (I hunt for my food)
prey: (I won't be a meal or a snack!)
science poems:
chemistry equipment
evaporation: (it's quite the sensation!)
condensation: (we got water for you)
dissolve: (how I hid the sugar!)
chemical change: (changing my molecules)
physical change: (visual change)
element: (the building blocks of everything!)
helium: (who drank the glass of gas?)
hydrogen: (I'm number one!)
oxygen: (how long can I hold my breath?)
periodic table: (elements for sale)
oxidation/rust: (about a ladder you shouldn't trust)
H2O/water: (an oxygen atom that liked to cut school)
covalent bond: (sharing's nice!)
ionic bond: (it's really quite an ironic bond)
science poems:
earth science
antarctica (the coldest place on Earth!)
climate: (weather, you like it or not!)
earthquake: (tectonic plate)
equator: (and the silly little ladybug)
everest: (the highest mountain on Earth!)
rocks: (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic)
volcano: (magnificent magma)
water cycle: (keeping it fresh)

poison dart frog
alpine biome: (what's at the top of the mountain?)
desert: (hot or cold, they're always dry)
rainforest (tropical): (forest floor, understory, canopy, emergent)
savannah (african): (A special type of grassland)
tundra (arctic): (Aunt Sue lives in a block of ice!)

archipelago: (when one island's not enough!)
island: (water's all around me)
isthmus: (miss wishfish gave me an isthmus for christmas!)
peninsula: (starts with a pen but not filled with ink!)
strait: (links up two bodies of water)


air: (suck me up through your nose!)
climate: (weather, you like it or not!)
clouds: (too bad they can't talk...)
humidity: (a bad hair day for spider!)
hurricane: (lotsa' wind, lotsa' rain!)
lightning: (why does electricity have to fly?)
rain: (you just can't blow it away!)
wind: (dude called wind blew through town)

4 seasons
spring: (spring has sprung)
summer: (trees and bees)
fall: (winged things fly south)
winter: (skiing, sledding, leafless trees)
science poems:
magnets: (they're not for eating!)
colors and light: (wavelengths)
force: (makes things move)
gravity: (why it hurts when I fall)
position words: (above, below, in front, behind)
sound: (vibrations make sound)
volume: (enormous water)
science poems:
astronomy &
solar system
the sun: (no life without my energy)
mercury: (closest to the Sun)
venus: (spins the other way!)
earth: (the planet we all share)
mars: (martians are coming!)
jupiter: (big bully of the sky!)
saturn: (rings for sale!)
uranus: (I spin on my side!)
neptune: (I don't want to be last!)
pluto: (I used to be a planet, but now I'm a dwarf!)
solar eclipse: (the Sun is gone!)
meteor: (I want to be a star! (a shooting star))
milky way: (not just a chocolate bar)
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