- Paperback: 434 pages
- Publisher: Homebound Publications (December 24, 2014)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1938846265
- ISBN-13: 978-1938846267
In A.D. 66, Jacob is an educated and privileged Greco-Roman Jew, a Temple priest in Jerusalem, and a leader of Israel’s rebellion against Rome. When Roman soldiers murder his parents and his beloved sister disappears in a pogrom led by the Roman procurator, personal tragedy impels Jacob to seek blood and vengeance. The rebellion he helps to foment leads to more tragedy, personal and ultimately cosmic: his wife and son perish in the Romans’ siege of Jerusalem, and the Roman army destroys Jerusalem and the Temple, and finally extinguishes Israel at Masada. Jacob is expelled from his homeland, and he wanders by land and sea, bereft of all, until he arrives in Rome. He is still rebellious, and in Rome he joins other dissidents, but now plotting ironic vengeance, not by arms, but by the power of an idea.
Paul of Tarsus, Josephus, the keepers of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and even Yeshua, the historical Jesus himself, play a role in Jacob’s tumultuous and mysterious fortunes. But it is the women who have loved him who help him to appreciate violence’s dire cycle.
My Impressions
All I can say is if this is Johns debut novel I cannot wait to see what else he comes out with! In "Logos" Johns walks us through a fictional account of the foundational beginning of Christianity while using historical facts coupled with a great story telling ability that leaves you on the edge and wanting more. Taking a stab at explaining when, where, why and how the first gospels came about Johns covers the First Jewish–Roman War and the rise and fall of Jerusalem, while incorporating notable historical figures such a Josephus, the emperor Titus and Tiberius Julius Alexander.
The story begins in first century Jerusalem, following a Palestinian Jew/Rabbi, Jacob Ben Aaron, throughout his life.As the book unfolds we travel along side Jacob as he deals with issues of pain, pride, ignorance, suffering, and loss at the hands of the Romans, and ending with a destiny and purpose filled with faith, love and hope that is found in his experiences with Jesus.
There were only two things I disliked about this book. First, the author spent too much time on detailing out every location and home. Second, the dialogue with characters is rough and often they loose their voice. Outside of this the book was very good. It has a interesting plot, lots of twists that keep you engaged and a writing style that immerses you into the story.
Also, please note that this is NOT religious in nature. It is a
fictional imagining of the origin of Christianity, better suited to
non-Christian readers. If you are a Christian though, like myself, take the book for what it is-fiction- and enjoy the ride.
Enjoy an Excerpt
awoke: his cell was cave black; he heard the scrape of the iron door
moving on iron hinges. General Tiberius Julius Alexander entered with a
lantern in hand. He came alone; the door clanged shut behind him. He
stood where he was. Paul lay on his pallet and gazed into the general’s
fire-lit face.
wore a simple woolen cloak and breeches. When he last visited Paul one
week before, he had just returned from a journey escorting the king of
Armenia to sign a truce with Nero. Then, he still wore his gorgeous
general’s uniform—a polished shining helmet with scarlet crest, silvered
cuirasses, studded kilt, greaves, and short sword in a tasseled and
bejeweled scabbard. Yet, today, in simple dress, he was still handsome
as a god of war.
stepped forward and set the light on the floor, and sat down beside
Paul and crossed his legs. At age fifty, the general was still graceful
and limber as a young man.
are you here?” Paul said, clearing his throat. He spoke in Greek, not
the Hebrew or Aramaic that was native to Jews. Tiberius would neither
acknowledge Paul’s Hebrew nor speak it himself.
“I have come to bid you farewell, my friend,” said Tiberius.
“You are leaving again?”
“I am going home. Nero has appointed me procurator of Egypt. I am elated.”
“Congratulations. So you are going to Alexandria. When will you depart?”
“I will not leave for a few days. I have unfinished business in Rome.”
“Why then do you bid me farewell?”
Tiberius did not answer; his face impassive but a sign of sadness in the sparkling black eyes. A moment passed.
felt the beating of his heart, his face flushed. He said, “I feared the
worst when you did not invite me back to the villa after you returned
from your journey.”
“I have treated you well.”
“I always feared it would come to this. Why must it be so?”
There was a pause before Tiberius answered. “You are an old man. Socrates said it should not matter to old men.”
is dead. I am free to spread the Logos unimpeded in Canaan.” Paul
reached a tentative hand toward the other man. “Canaan is the cradle.”
“No. You must die by order of Nero. So it shall be said; so it shall be written. There is no avoiding it.”
reproved himself for his fear. Had James been afraid at his martyrdom?
Not as Tiberius had described James’ death to Paul. According to
Tiberius, James’ last words were: ‘Forgive them; for they know not what
they do.’ Still, he allowed himself to complain. “Nero, you say. I don’t
believe you. Does Nero know who I am? Does he care?”
does. There are many here with outsized ears and eyes; their tongues
waggle. They seek any opportunity to gain favor in Nero’s court. As you
well know, Nero is scapegoating Christians for the great fire.”
you will do nothing to save me? We have been friends. You yourself have
called Nero a despot. You have kept me here, put me in harm’s way. Is
this the price of your promotion?”
general’s face hardened, just briefly. He recovered, replying calmly.
“I cannot save you. We are friends, but I am a good soldier. I am
carrying out an order directly from the emperor. It is what good
soldiers do.” He paused. “You know, too, that it is necessary for the
“Had you not kept me here, I could have returned to Jerusalem and capitalized on James’ demise.”
is no future for the movement in Jerusalem. Why did you flee except
that the Jewish rabble there chose James, and remained firm against you?
The Gentile members are the fruits of your remarkable work. Anyway, the
Jews are not long for Jerusalem and the kingdom of Israel is not long
for this world.”
am firm that the Lord Jesus lives, and I have borne this same witness
before the Gentiles and Jews alike all these years. I saw the Christ
with my own eyes. No one can take that testimony from me. I was blinded
by the brilliance of his effulgence, and my sight was restored by the
power of God. He was real.”
course he was real, for you saw him. So now, you too must die, and
likewise by the hand of Romans, though you be an innocent man.”
“When will they come for me?”
“Tomorrow. Before sunrise.”
more Paul reached out in a pleading gesture. “It need not be so. Take
me to Alexandria with you. The movement is strong there. It is a good
place for me to begin my ministry anew. From there I will go to Judea.
There is still time.”
I cannot take you. In Alexandria I will be occupied with military
matters. The Jewish uprising is spreading all across the Eastern
Mediterranean like a pestilence, and we must crush it, eradicate it, or
else the other provinces, even all across Europe, will see license to
“We are both Jews; you and I.”
“I am the Praetorian Prefect.”
release me and leave me here. You will need someone to run things while
you’re occupied. You will need some such person in Alexandria, for that
There are plenty of good administrators. Indeed, administration is my
own special talent. Your written words, not your administrative work,
will be your legacy.”
am not ready to die.” They had been friends, spent hours together at
Tiberius’ villa. Paul remembered the conversations, the ideas exchanged.
He remembered that they had read to one another, from the Septuagint,
Plato, Aristotle, even Paul’s own letters. Paul began to weep.
leaned forward on his knees. They fell on one another’s necks, and the
two men embraced. Paul wept, until he was exhausted of sobs and tears.
separated. Paul discerned a tear in Tiberius’ eye. “Compose yourself,”
the general said. “There will be witnesses tomorrow. You must die a
martyr’s death. Without fear! Now, try to relax.”
“Bring me some wine.”
“Yes, that will help. I will send you some.”
rose, and Paul took hold of his garment. “Wait,” Paul said, “You must
receive my blessing. Before I die, I must ordain you.”
knelt again, straightened his back, and bowed. Paul stood, placed his
hands upon Tiberius’ head, and began to pray, “In the name of Christ
About the Author:

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher, Novel Publicity LLC, in exchange for my honest opinion, which I have given.