How to Thrive in the Church When You’re Misunderstood
don’t fit the Christian norm. I’m thirty-four, single, and working on
my fourth degree. Not exactly a Proverbs 31 woman. Life took a different
route than I’d planned and sometimes, especially in Christian circles, I
feel out of place. I’m not the only one, though. I have a gay friend
who’s chosen celibacy and two others who’ve opted for heterosexual
marriage. Then there’s the single mom, the childless couple, and the guy
who’s unemployed.
conservative churches have a definition of “normal” that my friends and
I can’t live up it up. It can leave us feeling confused and isolated,
because most of us didn’t choose our unorthodox
demographics, we just found our lives playing out on the single, gay,
childless, artistic, or job-wandering stage.
how do we navigate life in the church when we don’t quite fit in?
During the last decade, I discovered four secrets to thriving in the
church even when I’m misunderstood.
1. Remember that misfits make up the church.
some versions of American Christianity imply that church is only for
families with 2.2 kids, God disagrees. His started his church with a
bunch of misfits — uneducated fisherman, social outcasts (a tax
collector, demon possessed woman, etc.), and one terrorist named Saul.
the church spread to places like Corinth, it picked up adulterers,
people in same-sex relationship, drunkards, and thieves. “And that is
what some of your were,” Paul wrote to them, “but you were washed, you
were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
and by the Spirit of our God.” (1 Corinthians 6:11). Not only that,
later in the same letter Paul suggested that, when it comes to serving
Jesus, singles have the edge on married folks (7:38).
when we feel like we’re not “church material,” we need visit the New
Testament again. No matter how unconventional our lives or how dark our
past, we’re just the kind of people Jesus wants in his church.
2. Find someone to be vulnerable with.
can get awkward when your life doesn’t follow the usual path. Well
meaning people — straight folks, people with kids, or with great jobs —
can say things that leave us feeling dumb, hurt, and angry. We can get
focused on doing whatever it takes to avoid another awkward
conversation, pulling out plastic smiles and superficial answers or
sneaking out of church before the service ends. Maintaining a safe
distance, though, can leave us feeling lonely. We need to find someone
who is safe and be vulnerable with them.
someone seems sympathetic and open-minded, we need to put in the work
of getting to know them and risk being vulnerable; not all at once, but
little bits at a time. As we start to verbalize all the messy
contradictions of being single, gay, childless, or jobless, we’ll feel
less alone. We’ll have someone to call on the gut-wrenching days, on the
fabulous days, and on the days where we want to turn our backs on God.
Being a member of Jesus’ church means that we “rejoice with those who
rejoice; mourn with those who mourn” (Romans 12:15). Not everyone may be
able to do that for us, but we need to find at least one person who
3. Pray honest prayers.
often, we limit our prayers to safe subjects, like the rain, stomach
bugs, and busy schedules. We offer God a flimsy version of life while
we crumble on the inside, or we stop praying altogether. I’m not sure
where we got the idea that God wants our prayers dressed up in a Sunday
suit and tie. Jesus didn’t pray that way. Even when he knew the outcome,
he begged God to change his mind, pleading so hard that he drenched
himself in sweat. David didn’t pray that way, either. He told God to
attack his enemies and accused him of neglect and abandonment, and these prayers got recorded in the Bible.
knows how hard it is, not fitting into a mold. He sees when we ache be
different, when life feels too heavy us, or when we’re angry at him for
not intervening, and he invites us to wrestle with him. Being brutally
honest with God might feel dangerous or unspiritual, but God wants our truthfulness (Psalm 51:6).
4. Find someone to love.
might feel alone in our singleness, same-sex attraction, infertility,
or unemployment, but we aren’t. There are other Christians hurting just
like us, feeling disenfranchised from the church, and they need to know
that Jesus loves misfits, too. They need someone to be vulnerable with,
someone who will tell them that God wants their honest prayers. Our
pain, if we’re willing to look past it, can be a gift to them.
we might not fit the norm, we’re exactly what Jesus wants for his
family. He chooses the most unlikely people for his church and that’s
good to remember when we’re misunderstood. It also helps to find someone
we can be vulnerable with, to pray honest prayers, and to love someone
else who needs it just as much as we do. After all, Jesus was celibate,
childless, and misunderstood, and he’s the one we’re following.
* This piece first appeared on