The Kieffner Family, Hampton, NH


You got introduced to our other flat as well, sine we are a girl and hes a thought it was hysterical.

With Butterscotch, who always sleeps

Princess, My nephew, Kristian and Drizzle Fizzle in that order..drake got cut out
Drizzle Fizzle and you on arrival!
Well today is the grand day that we received your princess Lizzy in the mail and the kids are already showing her around. You got introduced to our cats already, Bella, Yogi and Butterscotch and you met the dog, Jack! He's a boxer and never sits still long enough to get a pic of him, sorry :( You have not been here for more than half the day and already you went swimming, played yard darts, play basketball, voted on our tennis match ( we agree to disagree on who won...but it was me ;) ) and you got to barbecue dinner with us. Whew...all that in half a day...oh yea and you watched the kids play Wii with the cats. Something that happens EVERYDAY! We are so glad you have come to visit us and you could not have picked a better week. We are going to the Botanical Gardens, the Dallas Zoo, the Aquarium, downtown Dallas to see the Kennedy Building, and we are going fishing this week, plus to top it off its Munchkin's  16th Birthday this Sunday and we are going to PARTY!!!! Your little buddy will have a blast!
