Brewster Minnesota

Population: 428

Today I took my kids to my hometown of Brewster. As you can tell, it is not a very large town, but pretty common for MN farming towns. The kids loved seeing the playground and I told them about how when I was little they use to freeze the basketball court and use it as an ice skating rink. They thought that was pretty awesome and was wanting to know if they were going to do that while they were there. It's a Jan. thing normally. Either way the kids played on what appeared to be the exact same equipment I played on, which was pretty neat. I remember getting thrown off the merry go round countless times, whacking my head and getting right back on, it was just too much fun. Glad to see they still have it, when most schools have pulled them out.
The kids a blast and thought it was great that the High School had a playground! It felt good to be able to let me kids play outside and not have to watch them like an eagle. Big difference between simple country life, where EVERYONE knows you and the city, were you are a nameless face and no one is watching out for you. I really miss the simplicity of the country and small town living.
The old Fire Station my Daddy worked at for a while and my grandfather
 This was the kids on the way back to the farm, after visiting there great aunt and uncle in Brewster. My poor Drizzle fizzled out and used his sister as his pillow. I tried several times to move him to my shoulder and he kept going back to his sister..lucky girl. She's so happy about you as you can tell!
