Christian Single Mom’s

Over 100 Resources for Christian Single Mom’s
Click here for a .pdf file with an updated list
Compiled by
Ms. Raylene M. Hunt aka Maggieraye
with the help of my single mom friends at Homeschool Blogger
1. The Holy Bible - when I first started home schooling I came back to my Bible again and again. I found scripture to defend my beliefs that I was called to be a Keeper at Home, that I was the one the Lord had chosen to train up my children. This has been my greatest resource in my journey.
2. Defending the Fatherless by Doug Phillips - This is THE resource I recommend to single mom’s who are considering home education, and church leader’s who have single mom’s within their congregation.
3. Raggedy Janet’s - This was one of the very first websites I discovered dedicated to single mom’s who were home educating. When I found this, back in 2002, I was the only single mother I knew of who was home educating. It was a gold mine of blessings. Since that time, I’ve become acquainted with Janet, via email and a yahoo group that we are both members of. This has also been a blessing.
4. Homeschool Oasis - I discovered the Single-Mom’s Homeschooling articles on this site, at about the same time I discovered Raggedy Janet. It gave me so much hope. I now knew that there were at least four other single mom’s out there that were home schooling, so I wasn’t completely crazy in my efforts.
5. Single Parent’s Can Homeschool by Linda Joyce Heaner - This is an excellent article of encouragement, that I found in two different places. Linda talks about many practical things that face single moms who are trying to home educate, be the keeper at home and often times the sole financial supporter of their family. I feel blessed to have found this article. It is very encouraging.

6. Single and Homeschooling by Teri Brown - While this article is not written by a single mom it is about single mom’s who have chosen to home educate. There are two things that are said in this article that I agree with 100%, “Many single parents, who might otherwise consider homeschooling, believe that their marital status excludes them from this wonderful educational option. But with perseverance, flexibility and a strong network of support, single parent homeschooling can be done, and done well.” “’I haven’t surrendered to the “get-a-job-put-em-in-school” mentality because the longer I homeschool the more I realize the necessity of homeschooling in order to raise decent kids who feel safe, nurtured, loved and who enjoy learning.’ Hill says.”
7. My First Week of Homeschooling by Lisa Henderson - This is a great article when considering the reality of balancing the needs of our children’s education with our need to provide an income. Having provided family home child care for almost three years, I can totally understand where Lisa is writing from.
8. My Life As A Single Parent Homeschooler by Brenda Covert - This is a great testimony of why and how single mom’s should and do choose to home school their children.
9. Homeschool Success Story by Linda Bothel - This is a great reminder that we are called to home educate and where the Lord will’s it, there is a way to achieve it.
10. Fears of a Single Mom by Lori Little - This article was amazing to me. In addition to feeling totally alone as a single mother who was home educating, I have also felt totally alone as I struggled with fear and panic over the years. This addressed all of that in a way that glorifies the Lord beautifully. It is a must read for all single mom’s.
11. A Single Parent’s Call to Outrageous Faith by Janet Whitley - This dear lady talks about walking by faith and truly the minute a single mom decides to embrace the high calling of Keeper at Home, she begins walking by faith as she may never have before. It is a very encouraging article about what the Lord can do when we let him, and how he rewards our obedience to his ultimate will for our lives.
12. Rearing Our Children by Rev. Jai Mahtani - This article solely focuses on the high calling of being a keeper at home. It does not specifically address single mother’s. I felt that it was good and that there was something to be gleaned from it, by single moms as well as those who are married.
13. Help! I’m a Single Mom by Dr. Richard D. Dobbins - This is a great article of encouragement for single mothers, but also a good resource for those ministering to single mothers.
14. God’s Gracious Hand: An Interview with Melanie Taggart by Mrs. Sherman - This is an amazing story of the Lord’s grace and mercy. It is truly a Romans 8:28 situation. I’ve had the privilege of getting to know Melanie as a fellow blogger at Homeschool Blogger. You can also check out her blog at
15. How You Can Help Single-Parent Families by Mary Jo Tate - This is another dear lady I’ve had the privilege and blessing of getting to know during the last couple of months. Mary Jo is a freelance writer, and a single mother who’s chosen to home educate and be a keeper at home. This article was first published in Family Reformation Magazine, since then it has appeared on the Ladies Against Feminism website, at, and on Mary Jo’s blog
16. Defending Our Decision to Homeschool by Mary Jo Tate - This is another amazing article/post by Mary Jo. I wish I’d this when I first started homeschooling. It’s a great little resource for those who are constantly faced with those who question our decision.
17. A Biblical Response to the Feminist Agenda - John MacArthur Jr. - This article has nothing to do specifically with single mothers who choose to be keepers at home. I sincerely appreciate the work of John MacArthur and this is no exception. It is insightful and well worth reading.
18. Does Homeschooling Work for Single Parents? by Mary Jo Tate - This is actually a brief blog leading to another blogger’s site. I, however, feel that the question is a powerful one, to which the answer is an emphatic, “Absolutely!”
19. Hurting Single-Parent Families Find Church With Arms Open Wide by Kay Adkins - This article serves well as a resource for churches considering how they can help single parent families within their congregation.
20. Why Should I Homeschool? By Lisa at Homeschool Blogger. This post just helped remind me why it is so important for single moms to home educate and be keepers at home, in spite of their circumstances. A well written article worth reading.
21. The Church's Responsibility to Single Mothers by Janet - Another excellent article on scriptural responsibility of the believer as an individual and the body of believers at a whole to support and encourage single mothers as keepers at home and home educators.
22. Blessing the Sole Parent Homeschooler by Aussiemum - This is a great post of ideas on how you can be a blessing to a single mother - whether she’s homeschooling or not.
23. Pure Religion - Carla at Homeschool Blogger posted this "must read"
24. Our Beginning - posted by Brookside Academy at Homeschoolblogger is a story of her beginnings in home schooling, as, can you guess?, a single mom.


      Okay, in all honesty, I’m rather new to the whole online community thing. The following links are resources I found when key word searching. I am not involved with many of them and don’t know a great deal about them. Please be discerning when visiting them. They are resources and may have valuable information and support. I just cannot speak to them personally.
25. Homeschool Curriculum Swap
26. Vegsource Message Board - Vegsource offers a message board specifically for homeschooling single parents.
27. Single Parent Message Board - This message board is part of the website
28. Single Parent Home Educators - This site has the potential to offer great resources. The forum however seems to be slow in taking off. I’ve posted an introduction there myself, hoping to connect with others.
29. Homespun Hearts - A Yahoo group for Christian Single Moms - This group was started by a single mother from Homeschool Blogger, where a group of us could meet and share with some privacy. It is a closed group, by invitation/approval only. It is moderated. It is a great place of fellowship and encouragement. I would strongly recommend it to Christian single mothers looking for support and encouragement.
30. Single and Working Parents at A to Z Home’s Cool. with Ann Zeise - - I admit, this is one of my favorite homeschool resources websites in general, the link to “Single and Working Parents” definitely offers some insight and good ideas. The site in general is one of those where you could be there for hours, just surfing around, checking things out. Make sure you have plenty of time before you start.
31. Considering Homeschooling Ministry by Morningstar Educational Network - This web based ministry is one that absolutely amazes me. Their focus is on Christian parents of infants, toddlers, preschool and those who have their children in the public education system. If you know someone who is thinking about whether or not they should start home educating, this is THE site to send them too. There are excellent resources here.
32. Single Parent Homeschool - I have been blessed to be a part of this ministry. It is a part of Considering Homeschooling’s ministry. Here single parents can find words of encouragement, resources, links to free homeschooling magazine subscriptions, etc. This is another one of those “ultimate resource” links, but then I’m prejudiced.
      While all of these yahoo groups seemed geared toward single parents who are home educating, I am not personally familiar with any of the groups or their members. These are just links that have been passed along to me by other single homeschooling parents.
33. Homeschooling Day By Day- This is a yahoo group that is moderated. It is primarily Christian but all are welcome. It has been going since 2001 and seems to have a very active posting.
34. 1parent_HS- This is a yahoo group that is designed by and for single parent homeschoolers. It seems to be primarily Christian but all are welcome. It has been going since 2000. The group is much smaller than Homeschooling Day By Day.
35. African-American Single Parent Homeschoolers- This yahoo group has been going since 2003. It has about 100 members.
36. Single_Parent_Home School - This yahoo group has been going since 2001 with less than 100 members. It doesn’t show a lot of activity, compared to some other groups.
37. hs1mom - This yahoo group is predominantly Christian and is a restricted list. It has been going since 1997, with the majority of activity since 1999.
38. Homeschool_1- This is yet another yahoo group for single parent who are home educating. It has a large number of members, but relatively few post in comparison. It has been going since 2002. Membership is restricted to by approval only.
39. Single Parent Homeschoolers- This yahoo group has been going since 2003. It shows relatively few posts.

40. HomeschoolingSingles - This yahoo group has been going since 1999. There was relatively little activity in 2005. 
41. Work and Homeschool- This yahoo group has been going since 1999 with a large membership and regular activity. It is designed for any homeschooling parent who is working/going to school in conjunction with home schooling.
      I feel very strongly that every family should know about and make use of the following resources as they apply to your individual family needs.
42. Home School Legal Defense Association - I feel that this is my “insurance policy” for our homeschool. I would recommend with the number of zealous caseworkers, and the news stories that abound about them overstepping their legal boundaries, that any family, but especially those headed by single mothers, consider membership as an essential part of your homeschooling budget.
43. Homeschool Foundation - This resource is their to help and support homeschooling families in need. They have a variety of funds available to homeschooling families based on their specific situations. I’ve just copied and pasted their descriptions of each fund here, with the link directly to their site.
44. Members Helping Members Fund - In the last few months, a number of Home School Legal  Defense Association member families have been telling us that they are being negatively affected  by the downturn in the economy—by either losing a job or having their salary reduced. Many have  reported being laid off by an airline or related employer. If your family has been blessed with  financial stability, and you would like to extend a helping hand to a fellow home school family, we  have established the Members Helping Members Fund scholarship fund to assist families with their  HSLDA membership.
45. Compassion Fund - All undesignated gifts to the Home School Foundation will go into its  “Compassion Fund.” Monies in this fund are used to cover the Foundation’s printing costs, give  grants to local home school support groups around the country, and support other home-school  related causes.
46. Widows Fund - Each year we hear from many member families who have lost a parent to death. Oftentimes, their heartbreak is compounded by financial constraints which make continuing home schooling difficult. Until now, all we have been able to offer these families was our heartfelt sympathy. Now, with the establishment of the Widows Fund, we are able to meet the needs of widows and orphans in a tangible way. This endeavor truly enables dedicated mothers to continue directing the education of their children at home!
47. Special Needs Children’s Fund - An increasing number of families with special needs children  have begun seeking the benefits of home schooling and the services of HSLDA. Approximately 10  percent of HSLDA member families indicate they are home schooling a child with special learning  needs. In 1993, HSLDA realized that more guidance was needed for these families and hired a  consultant to assist our families with learning needs of their children. The Special Needs Children’s Fund is designed to assist home schooling families with the financial challenges of privately meeting the academic needs of their special needs child.
      I absolutely love magazines, especially homeschooling magazines. However, being a single mom, with an extremely limited budget for home education supplies, magazines are low on the priority list. I’ve borrowed from the library, and from friends, but it’s just not the same as having your own copy to look at lug around, and share with others.
48. The Old Schoolhouse Magazine- Free 1 year Subscription to those who truly cannot afford a subscription This was the second homeschooling magazine I was introduced to (never mind what the first one was) and it is by far, THE BEST one out there. I was blessed two consecutive years with free subscriptions. Of course, again, I know I am prejudiced, but I really think any single mother would find it to be a blessing.
49. Homeschool Enrichment Magazine - This free 1 year subscription is offered through Single Parent Homeschool by the publishers of Homeschool Enrichment to single parents, in an effort to be a blessing to them.
50. Homeschool Digest- - This free 1 year subscription is offered through Single Parent Homeschool by the publishers of Homeschool Digest to single parents, in an effort to be a blessing to them.
51. Above Rubies- This is a free publication to all. It is a quarterly magazine which focuses on the call for women to embrace their roles as wife and mother, the way the Lord intended them to be. Even as a single mother, I’ve found the articles to be a blessing and an encouragement.
52. No Greater Joy - This is a free publication to all. It is a quarterly magazine which focuses on child rearing, families and home education. Again, although not designed for the specific needs of the single mother, there are many articles of encouragement and some great Biblical resources to be found here.
53. Family Reformation Magazine- A magazine dedicated to bringing the family back to our Biblical foundations. This is one of the first Christian magazine’s in which I read an article about single parents and how to support and minister to them.
      This website has been one of the biggest sources of encouragement I’ve found in the almost five years that I’ve been homeschooling. Each of the links here is to a single mother’s blog site at Homeschool Blogger. Each one has something different to offer and share. There are also others at this site, but these are the ladies whose stories I know and who have touched my life with their friendship, support and encouragement. Each one has a burden to see single mothers be encouraged to be keepers at home.
55. Janet -
56. Mary Jo -
57. Melonie -
58. Mel -
59. Theresa -
60. Beth -
61. Raylene -
62. Lisa -
63. Michelle -
These single moms also have blogs at Homeschool Blogger. I haven’t become acquainted with them all, yet, but am hoping to in the days to come.
64. Sarah -

65. Christine -
66. Ann -

67. Roberta -

68. Tawanna -

69. Quincy -

70. Joyce -

71. Maryanne -

72. Donna -

73. Angela -

74. Andrea -

75. Liam -

76. Wanda -

77. Michele -
78. Laura -
      After I had “finished” this list at number 103, I remembered another category to be added. It is those dear ladies who are now married moms, but who have been single homeschooling moms in the past. There are only two that I’m aware of at this point, but I’m sure there are more out there. It is the prayer of many of us to join the ranks of these “has been’s”
79. Patty -
80. Debra -
81. Homeschool Tracker - This has to be one of my favorite tools for home education. There are two reasons. The first is I’m a compulsive organizer. This helps me keep it together. It’s a great way to keep track of everything on the computer. The second reason is that it’s FREE. Not just a free trial, but the basic version is totally FREE!. If you want to upgrade to the Plus edition you do have to pay a one time fee. A college friend who is also a homeschooling mom bought me the Plus version last year as an encouragement gift. I’ve made it well worth her investment. Another side note I need to add, is that Katie Gentile is absolutely amazing when it comes to tech support. I am computer illiterate and that dear lady has been there and walked me through the most unusual situations. So the personal tech support is also a biggie for me.
82. Child Evangelism Fellowship- This ministry is so incredible. The reason I’ve added it here is that they offer a free correspondence Bible study for all levels. I don’t know about everyone else, but my kiddo’s love getting mail. And this is mail worth getting. They usually have local chapters so check the main sight for the one nearest you.
83. Educating the Whole Hearted Child by Clay & Sally Clarkson - If I could only recommend one book (aside from the Bible) to someone new to homeschooling this would be THE book. It is written so that it is easy to read. It has lots of practical advice and resources from a veteran homeschooling family. It’s worth the investment.
84. Robinson’s Self-Teaching Curriculum- This is definitely a cost-effective curriculum for those on a limited budget. There are over 200 books on CD for a reasonable price. They also offer a scholarship program, where you can simply pay what you can afford. There are no frills. It’s literature is worth the investment. I own this curriculum. They also offer a discount on Saxon Math products as that is the Math curriculum they recommend using. The curriculum isn’t for everyone, but if you have nothing and need something to get started this is a great place to start.
85. Ambleside Online- This is a FREE online curriculum that covers Year 0 - 12. It is an advanced curriculum, with an excellent literature program. It also has a very strong fine arts element to it. It is a Charlotte Mason based curriculum. I have also used parts of this one in my homeschooling.
Ambleside Online - a FREE online curriculum
86. Enchanted Learning - This is a website with a multitude of resources. Again one that can not be thoroughly investigated in only a few moment of free time. I found a link to this on another single mom’s blogsite.
87. Free Stuff for Homeschoolers- At Homeschool Blogger we have our own Free Stuff lady. Her blog site is just full of resources for the homeschooler. Be sure to check it out.

88. Beethoven Website- This site was shared with me by another homeschooling mom. I haven’t had time to fully explore it, but it looks like it would be great, especially for doing a unit study. There seems to be tons of information available here.

89. Math Goodies- Free math help, homework help and puzzles. This site is new to me.

90. The Parent Educator - This site looks like it has a wealth of information. I’m looking forward to spending some time poking around at this one. I suspect I will find many useful resources here.

91. Homeschool Free- This is a yahoo group that sends out free resources. It’s been going since 2002 with relatively low activity levels. It seems to be connected with The Parent Educator and the above mentioned Yahoo group Homeschooling Day By Day.
92. Free Weekly Lessons at Teacher - This seems like an excellent online resource for anyone teaching children in 1st - 8th grade. I got sucked into this site. Not only are there weekly lesson plans, but plans by subject. So if there is a subject you’ll be covering and you need some extra ideas, check this site out. I’ll definitely be bookmaking this site.

93. Free Educational Softwareat Owl & Mouse Software - I don’t use the computer much in my homeschooling but it looks like there is some pretty cool stuff here. If you use the computer a lot in your homeschooling, you might want to check this out and see if there is free software that would work for you.

      Most of these resources are websites that I’ve found or that other’s have shared with me. None of them focus on the specific needs of single mothers who are trying to be keepers at home. I feel they are excellent resources non the less. I’ve found some of them to be extremely encouraging.
94. Women at Home University- This is not an actual university, but a FREE ministry that offers a list of over 1000 titles that provide insight into all areas of being a keeper at home. They have a neat article on how the ministry got started, too. I think this is definitely the best Keepers at Home website, in terms of those of us training up younger women. The list is broken down into four years worth of reading (hence the “university”).
95. Keepers At Home - This website is loaded with links and encouragement for the lady who seeks to be the Titus 2 woman. It’s one of those sites, where you need to make sure you have time to really sit and focus. There is just way to much to take in if you only a few moments.
96. NYM Ministries- There is an excellent article posted on this site Keepers at Home. I found this very encouraging. It was a gentle reminder of what our high calling is, as Christian ladies. It’s a short article and well worth the read.
97. Mentoring Moments for Christian Women- This website offers “Practical Titus 2 Teaching for Women” and a free e-Newsletter. I only recently learned about this site from another single mom. So far it looks like an excellent resources.

98. A Christian Home- This website offers to much to begin to list it all here. It’s ever changing and always encouraging. I’ve shared it with a number of friends over the last year or so. I will warn you, make sure you really have the time to sit down and check it out. You can’t begin to see it all in a quick visit.
99. Ladies Against Feminism - Why is it that all the best sites are the ones that just have so much information you can’t possibly look at it all in one setting? I absolutely love this site. If I were going to pick just one site as a resource to encourage others in their walk as Christian ladies this would be the site.
100.. Biblical Womanhood Online- This is another great site. I don’t know Crystal personally, but I feel like I’ve been blessed to get to know her, through her ministry at this site. This is an excellent resource. She has written some awesome books, which you will find here also.
101. Being Virtuous Women - This is yet another one of those great sites. Once you visit, you’ll find yourself falling in. On the surface it may not seem like there is much there, but each step in leads you further and further in to some wonderful resources for encouraging you in your Christian walk.
102. Freecycle - “Freecycle is an email list where people give away things that they no longer need for free.” This is a site I’ve only recently learned about. I love free stuff so I’m looking forward to checking out more.
103. Exodus Mandate- This site offers resources to help Christian families understand the important need to remove their children from public education and home educate them in accordance with the Bible.
104. Grace to You Ministries- John MacArthur provides excellent, scripturally based resources. Being on their mailing list gives you access to free monthly offerings, including sermon tapes and books. These are excellent for any family.
105. Not Yours to Give by Col. David Crockett - This historic and thought provoking document, show that it is not the responsibility of the government to provide welfare payments to those in need. This is absolutely a “MUST READ” for those working with single mothers.
