Cooking: Family Fun and Learning

Cooking: Family Fun and Learning 

Cooking - We all eat, so let's eat well! Here's just some of what kids can learn through cooking:

Math: Weights, liquid measures, dry measures - it's all there. Plus basic counting, fractions, addition, multiplication, and division.
Reading: Recipes are predictable texts - they use the same words over and over again. That means that beginning readers can decipher them with just a little practice.
Geography: Cook something from another country for an international learning experience!
Science: Recipes work because of science - leave out the baking powder and the muffins won't rise. Cooking is full of hands-on science.
Plus, your kids can develop art and creativity in ingredient choice and presentation. And learning to cook, they'll be learning important life skills.
We think kids should cook with adults and, as they get older, cook alone too. Our cooking guide has recipes to make together, cookbook reviews, and lots more. So dig in!
