{Week 4} Ephesians 2:11-22 We are one in Christ
We are one in Christ…..what does that mean? This week we will find out as we read Ephesians 2:11-22.“We specialize in “I am right” rallies. We write books about what the other does wrong. We major in finding gossip and become experts in unveiling weaknesses. We split into little huddles and then, we split again…
“May the all be one,” Jesus prayed.
One. Not one in groups of two
thousand. But one in One. One church. One faith. One Lord. Not Baptist,
not Methodist, not Adventist. Just Christian. No denominations. No
hierarchies. No traditions. Just Christ.
Too idealistic? Impossible to
achieve? I don’t think so. Harder things have been done, you know. For
example, once upon a tree, a Creator gave his life for his creation.
Maybe all we need are a few hearts that are willing to follow suit.”
Max Lucado- No Wonder They Call Him the Savior
This week read: Ephesians 2:11-22
Digging a little deeper: For those of you who would like to learn more about these verses this week, I’ve provided a few resources below for you to use to help you…….dig a little deeper!
1. John MacArthur
2. John Piper
Question: How can we get better at being “one in Christ” with our fellow Christian brothers and sisters?
This past weekend I had the pleasure of speaking at Sally Clarkson’s Mom Heart Conference in Irvine, Ca! It was such an honor to be able to spend some time with my dear friend, Sally and have the opportunity to meet some new friends too! Thanks to everyone who stopped by to say “Hello” and let me know that you’re a Good Morning Girl! I loved meeting each and everyone of you!!! You BLESSED me with your testimonies of what God is doing through your life because you are apart of Good Morning Girls and in His Word!
Being in God’s Word truly is life-changing!
You see what’s on the outside is different but their hearts are the same. The cross says they are both sinners in need of God’s grace and forgiveness.
How Can We Have Peace With Our Sisters in Christ?
Peace is a key word in Ephesians 2:11-22. It is repeated four times.
Ephesians 2:14 says “For He himself is our peace.“
Peace begins with God. We must first make peace with him before we can find peace with one another.
From there verse 14 goes on “who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.”
During Bible times, there was a huge amount of hostility between the Jews and Gentiles. They literally had a wall in the temple that seperated the Jews from the Gentiles.
The word Gentile in the greek is “ethnos” from which the word “ethnic” is derived.
The Jews and Gentiles were different on the outside, this made Ephesians 2:15 and 16 revolutionary! It says, Jesus created “one new man out of the two thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross by which he put to death their hostility.”
Jesus put to death hostility in the body of Christ! It is not his will for us to war with one another…but the truth is…there’s always that one chick that kinda gets under your skin…and one thing I have learned is, that woman was put in my life for a reason.
Like sand paper, it hurts to rub up against her but she smoothes my edges and teaches me how to give grace.
Are you experiencing contention with a sister in Christ? Extend to her grace. Jesus came to bring you peace with God and to enable you to have peace with your sisters in Christ! Just as it breaks our hearts as mothers to watch our children argue and fight, it breaks the heart of God to see hostility between two of his children.
Romans 12:18 says “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” NIV
Go to God – make peace with him. Go to your sister – make peace with her. And if it’s not accepted by your sister in Christ – you will have peace in your heart knowing you did all that you could to make peace.