I'm Simplifying Our Homeschool

I found myself reading this weekend articles on how technology has made homeschooling easier. I tend to disagree. I actually think it makes things more difficult. So am going back to the basics! God has really been pulling on my heart lately to get back to Him, in my education. You see I've been relying on so many different online tools to teach my kids that I am starting to leave out the most important tool and reason why I started home educating to being with-GOD, His morals, His principles, His foundation. So I am canceling my  online subscriptions, and taking control. Going back to the basics,with bible in hand. So what does our day look like now?

7:00-7:45:  Bible devotion

8:30-12:00- Time4Learning
12:00-1:00: lunch
1:30-2:30: Khan Academy (math)
2:30-5:30- free time/chores

5:30: dinner/play time
6:30-7:30: Drama Club (art/socialization)
8:00-8:30:  Reading (one bibliography book and one fiction book)


7:00-7:45: Bible devotion
8:30-12:00- Time4Learning
12:00-1:00: lunch
1:30-2:30: Khan Academy (math)
2:30-5:30- free time/chores
5:30: dinner/play time
6:00-8:00: AWANA (Character Training)
8:00-8:30: Reading (one bibliography book and one fiction book)

7:00-7:45: Bible devotion
7:45-4:00: free time/chores
4:20-5:45: AWOA( Learning Adventures)
5:45-6:45-dinner/free time
6:45-8:45-review work for English,Math, MOH ,Geography, Reading

7:00-7:45: Bible devotion
7:45-8:45: Breakfast/free time
8:45-12:00: book work/copy work for all subjects/free time afterwards
12:00-1:00: lunch
1:00-4:00: book work/copy work for all subjects/free time afterwards
4:00-6:00 free time
6:00-7:00: dinner/chores
7:00-9:00: free time
9:00-10:00: Reading (one bibliography book and one fiction book)

7:00-7:45: Bible devotion
7:45-8:45: Breakfast/free time
8:45-12:00: book work/copy work for all subjects/free time afterwards
12:00-1:00: lunch
1:00-6:00: free time/chores (2nd and 4th wk-end)
free time/chores (3rd, 5th wk-end)

4/6-7:00: tests/quizzes
