What I Love Most About Drake-August

Month: August

Special Days:
Six Flags for Kristians 10th Birthday!The picture says it all. PURE JOY from everyone

Favorite Stories:  
You love roller coasters! Oh yea. No fear at all. Just hop on them, hands in the air and go. I was blown away by that. Your sister wont even get on them and you adore them. Love it!

Fabulous Photo:  

Greatest Quotes:
 " can we do that again!" That was all I heard at Six Flags. For every ride, it just tickled me. I loved seeing how excited you were and how much fun you were having.

What has impressed me most about you this month: 
How easily you were OK wit going to school, starting a new year at AWANA, and being so gracious in all the changes around the house at such a young age. You just kinda roll with it and it blows me away. You love learning Gods word and talking and praying. Your prayers have developed into more than poetry prayers, but prayers with some depth and meaning to them, involving more people that just us. You are becoming aware of the power of prayer.
Where I hope to see you grow: 
Your first day of school went great..after that not so much. I want you to learn temper control and keeping your hands to yourself. You are a very loveable little boy, but not everyone appreciates that or wants it. Plus, you are a stubborn mule. You want to do everything your way only on your time schedule and you fall apart emotionally when it cannot be done. You are very easily offended and frustrated. Its something we have been working on, but most months its more bad than god in this area. We will keep trying together and I know with prayer and leaning on God we can make a difference with how you handle your emotions in a positive way.
My Absolute 3 Favorite Thing We Did Together This Month
1. Spending time together reading. I miss the days when you were little (2-3) and wanted me to read EVERY night to you. I had to force it a few times last month and then you expected it and wanted it, so its something I am continuing this month that I really enjoy doing wiht you right before bed time. Right now you are loving the Bearstein Bear's books. Every night you want me to read the same 2: " The Trouble with Manners" and " A Big Question". I am really going to miss this when you are older and no longer want/need me to read to you.
2. Six Flags- Great rides, great kids, easy breezy awesome time. We went for Kristians 10th birthday and had a blast. Just you, Kristian, Delaney and me. We rode every ride you were tall enough to ride it felt like. Our favorites though were the water rides in every form. You also adored the parachute ride and I rode it with you, but I was FREAKED out the whole time and could not wait for it to end.
3. 1st day of Kindergarten: Need I really say more on this one? It was your first big day of public school and I was so gitty and sad at the same time. You were excited and had to have your big sister go in with you to eat breakfast and see your classroom. Of course, she went all smiles to be the big helper you needed. You too fight like cats and dogs lately, but with the bog things she always is there for you. Your teacher is Mrs. Todd and Delaney said "Good luck!" She has always heard shes really hard and scary mean. You seem to like her so far, even with getting in trouble. I took tons of pictures and almost cried when I had to leave you. You on the other hand were perfectly ok with me going. You were so stoked to be in school you were flying on cloud nine. Your big brother and I picked you up from school and you were elated to see us after a long day of learning.
