Operation Christmas Child

Every year our church participates in The Shoebox Ministry  aka Operation Christsmas Child, partnering with Samaritans Purse. This is such a fabulous ministry that spreads the love of Christ in a tangible way that these children can really understand.  It not only gives them “things” that can use that are practical, but it lets them know that are people out there in the world that love them, care about them and want them to succeed and grow a close relationship with our creator and Father.  Lets make this Christsmas shine, by showing the light and love of Christ to all the ends of the Earth. Together we can make a difference.
Samaritians Purse is chalked full of resources to help you make this Christmas special for some boy or girl, there are also lists availalbe if you are unsure what to pack:
Drop-Off Locations
Not sure where to take your box during National Collection Week? It's easy to find the nearest collection point by using our location tool. Simply type in your ZIP code to see the closest location to take your lovingly packed shoe box.

Follow Your Box
Want to know what country the child receiving your box is from? When you donate your $7 for shipping online, you'll receive a bar code to print and attach to your box. We'll track your gift, and send an email telling you where in the world it ended up!

No Time? Build A Box Online!
We know life can get pretty busy. But even busy people want to help change a child's life. That's why we've created a process where you can build a box for a boy or girl online. Simply select the gender, age, and hand select specific toys you want to include in the box. We help you personalize it by giving you the opportunity to upload a photo and include a message to your gift recipient. Can't get easier than that! You can also give a family member or friend the opportunity to build a box.

Pledge to Pray
Nothing is more critical to the work of Operation Christmas Child than the prayers of faithful believers. Last year, thousands of people like you prayed for the children receiving the boxes. Please consider joining us during National Collection Week as we pray that God will use each shoe box collected this year for His glory, and that millions of lives will be impacted by the power of a simple gift.

