What I Love Most About Delaney-October

Month: October

Special Days: State Fair, church outings, cuddling up, playing ball.

Favorite Stories: Well this month we had a little bit of a change up. We got to keep a foreign exchange student from Korea, Soul, for the weekend for another host parent who had some serious plumbing issues. She was 15 and you were so excited to get to have another girl in the house. Sadly, it was not what your imagination saw. She was reserved and very shy. She basically sat on the couch all weekend and listened oto her music and talked to her friends on her I phone. So you may ask why did this make for my favorite story this month?
Its the way you handled the situation. You were a very good host and made sure you offered her drinks, food, and the option of doing things with you and our family. You did your best to include her all weekend!That took courage for you to step outside your comfort zone and speak to someone who barley spoke your language and you did not speak hers. You got to use your hosting skills and you did wonderful. I was incredibly proud of you baby girl.

Fabulous Photo:  

Greatest Quotes: "Cause, is not an answer" You were talking to your friend on the phone and you must have asked him a question and he responded with "cause" and you went off on your tangent..too adorable. I use to have to say this to you all the time when you were growing up and now you use it on your friends. I had to try VERY hard not to laugh.

What has impressed me most about you this month:I have loved watching you grow more confident and self assured. You show tremendous love for others and have a helpful and kind spirit to you.

Where I hope to see you grow:
I would love to see you wanting to study Gods word, pray and be more open with your faith at home. You started a prayer journal with youth group, but you have only rote in it one time since you got it at the beginning of the month. I want you not to be ashamed or embarrassed about your faith and to make it your own, always seeking to grow and become closer to the Lord no matter what anyone says or thinks about it.

 My Absolute 3 Favorite Thing We Did
1. Zoo Training/Volunteer work- This is great preparation for helping you build the foundation of your animal rescue business you want to start when you are older. You complain about it some days, but you are learning alot and it is important to see how things are run from the ground up.
2. State Fair: pottery making, glass blowing, carnival rides, walks...need I say more?
3. Halloween: Cheesy I know, but its my favorite holiday- getting dressed up and watching you get scared and the like, its good clean fun and I adore it.
4. Christmas Play Rehearsals: "Dude, Did you hear what I hear?" You are the lead, Taylor, and get to share the gospel message to everyone. I love it!
5. Making Monsters- Monster Halloween Candy boxes that is! We went to Lowes and had a blast making our little boxes together to place all our trick or treating goodies into.
