What I Love Most About my Drake Bake-November

Month: November
Special Days:  Hospital visits, training wheels coming off, Thanksgiving, birthday parties and reading your first book!

Favorite Stories: Today 11/7/12, you read your very first book! It was called " Baby" and it was one in a set of 10 early reader books. I was so excited that you could read the words and follow along that I had to record you!!! Which of course got you all excited that I was so excited so you read one more book to me, just to hear me praise you and your reading greatness!

Fabulous Photo:  

Greatest Quotes:  " its ok if its broke just a little bit"  You thought we would be mad at your brother over your foot and this was your way of saying you were ok with it all.
What has impressed me most about you this month:
You are reading! Finally after so much hard work, you are able to read books that have 3 to4 words on a page! I love hearing you breeze through the books and sound out your letters and just listen to you. I am mvery prooud of you.
Where I hope to see you grow: I hope to see you continue to grasp reading and writing your letters. You have made alot of progress, but we have along way to go. You try so hard, but cannot grasp the writing aspect yet, but we are workin in it.

My Absolute 3 Favorite Thing We Did

1. Hair Cut: You got your first big boy haircut that you picked out all by yourself. You did so good and sat really still and listened to everything "Buddy" told you to do. You wanted your hair cut just like Matthews. You look up to him so much and secretly I think he loves it. Afterwards, I took my two boys and my princess to Braums for ice cream. 

2. Hospital Visit: You were getting a ride from your brother on the back of his bike and your foot got caught in the spokes. You guys flipped and you got hurt. The hospital thought your ankle was broke, so they cast it and told me to go to Children's Hospital in the am and have an pediatric orthopedist look at it.  Luckily, it was not broken, just sprained. We had to keep you in the cast for 5 days! You got to ride around in the wheelchair at school because you could not master the crutches. By the end of the first day you were ready to have the cast off and wanted to run though, so you were kinds miserable for a week. :(  Then we had to bring you to Childrens to gte your leg cast and place you on some horrible smelling and tasting meds that cost way too much money.

3. Cuddle Time: Since you have been indisposed for a while, we have got to have lots of cuddle time. You read me your very first book called :Baby and I was so very proud of you. We played the Wii, watched movies and played lots of games, your favorite were the matching games and fishing games.

** November had to be published early so I can combine all the blog posts and make your book in time for Christmas! **
