Title: Tuna Breath
Genre: Memoir
Author: Doug Pedersen
Publisher: Balboa Press
Pages: 162
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1452575797
ISBN-13: 978-1452575797
Written from the unique experiences of Doug Pedersen, this self-improvement book-disguised as a memoir-is at once funny, poignant, and generous, while offering genuine advice. Providing intimate insights into being a “super fat kid,” and insecure teenager, and an over-aggressive, angry, and ironically arrogant Marine who was full of self-pity, Doug shares the negative emotional drivers and responses that drove him through a “binge eating life” before finding physical health, emotional balance, and spiritual wholeness. Tuna Breath invites us to intimately observe a troubling life journey in which the lessons to be learned are truly visceral and inspirational.

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feat_doug Doug Pedersen is the founder of PLAYGROUND: GLOBAL (PGG), a research and education company. His own history with childhood obesity and study of human nature fuels his writing, speech topics, and teachings. Doug teaches “The Art of the Personal Turnaround” and frequently uses innovative techniques taken from the practice of Strategic Intervention and Human Needs Psychology to help people improve, heal and live their lives with outstanding quality. Currently, Doug is helping people see that the health of their emotional state is the real invisible battleground in their lives through his latest book “TUNA BREATH: A 275-Pound Teenager’s Coming Of Age Story.” Doug resides with his wife and two year-old son in the Washington, DC area.
See more at www.dougapedersen.com.
