Courageous Gentleness: Following Christ's Example of Restrained Strength

Publisher: Discovery House Publishers
Author: Mary Ann Froehlich 

Am I gentle? It’s not a question we typically ask ourselves. But God cares about the answer. As author Mary Ann Froehlich points out, gentleness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit that is supposed to mark the words and actions of every Christian. Courageous Gentleness steers us to a biblically rich understanding of gentleness as power, skills, and knowledge tempered by kindness and helps us consider how cultivating it can transform our relationships and draw others to Christ.

My Impressions:

I am I gentle? Wow, when I read the first line about the book I was blown away with just that question. As a Christian woman, I am expected to be gentle in speech, action, spirit, but I will admit it is something I struggle greatly with. I am not gentle by nature. I am kinda loud, sarcastic, opinionated and growing up with brothers, well I am a work in progress shall we say.  I see these women and men in church and around in the community and they are soft spoken, and well gentle and I wonder how they got that way. What I can do to get that type of gentleness in my life and instill it into my kids? Like I said, I knew when I read the opening line I wanted to read this book and I am so glad that I did.  We live in a society where the more power and money you have the louder you are in life and it is almost expected. Yet, I wonder if that is why God tells us that the we need to have the fruit of gentleness. Gentleness is a measure of self control that is not nearly as easy as it sounds or appears. It is something you have to work towards, practice and learn humility to achieve. Gentleness is a choice and it a hard daily practice, but one that God calls us to do.

I received a copy of this book from Discovery House Publishing via Cross Focused Reviews in exchange for my honest review and opinion.
