The NKJV Study Bible

The NKJV Study Bible is an amazing resource for those who want to really dig deep into the word of God. Before I get to what all is inside this study, I wanted to first say that I liked how well bound this bible is. I am one of these people who take the cover off my book and never really put it back on. I really like the look and feel of the book itself and this one has a really nice reddish brown hard back cover, pages that are thin, but durable, and a beautiful ribbon to mark your reading place. I was a little concerned that the font would be too small, as I’ve seen in other studies of this size, but it is easy to read. My own real complaint is I wish there was some room for note taking within the margins. The space that is available is very minimal, with that being said though that small nuance does not take away from the vivid and colorful maps, illustrations and other charts and graphs that are contained within these pages. 

There is so much packed into this study. Within these pages you have sections devoted to bible times and culture notes that give you greater insight into objects, rituals, locations and architecture background and meanings. You also get in-text maps, charts and diagrams that give you a visual image of the travels people took, and the lay out of the lands during biblical times. At the beginning of each book you get an outline and commentary about the book and what major events were taking place. 

Of course, with any good bible study you have a subject index, word study, cross reference, special abbreviation section, concordance and articles.  What I personally enjoyed about this bible study though was the inclusion of prophesies already fulfilled with the coming of Christ. I found that section really inspiring and it helped to really open my eyes to how many Old Testament prophecies Christ really did fulfill. Seeing them laid out in such an easy to understand manner though really resonated with me. The authors did a great job stating the prophetic message, the subject of the message and how it was fulfilled in a tangible way. They then followed up with the miracles of Christ, prayers of the Bible, and parables of Christ to tie everything together for the reader. 
I can easily recommend this study for those that need guidance on how to dig into the word of God, weather you be a newbie or just looking for some new techniques tis book offers plenty of advice, tips and tricks to get the most out of your time with God. The very first pages of this study have a great article that is helpful in breaking down your study time without being overwhelming.
